One thing even those that love Jesus ask is are we sure that we are saved? I want to bring out some of the verses that will let you know for sure so that you will know in your heart what you need for salvation and if your salvation is lasting. I have met those that feel that they have done things so bad in their lives that they cannot believe that they will be forgiven, I would like to touch on that as well.

Your salvation is the very reason Jesus came here, taught the Word, suffered, and died. He rose on the third day to sit with God and speak on our behalf when we come before the Lord. While He was with us He gave us a glimpse of the kingdom of heaven, a place where there will be no sickness, no hunger, no death. We are offered salvation if we will just believe in Him.

And about your salvation, is it because of something you do?

But you do see there is a requirement, you must believe, have faith in God. For me, this was not a hard thing, but to believe that I could be "made clean", that is without sin, that was hard for me. For I have done so many things in my life that are wrong. But when I read in so many place in the bible that even I could be acceptable to God because of Jesus, I began to understand and to believe that a vile sinner such as myself could one day stand before the Lord and be without sin. And as you see from Ephesians 2:9, it isn't any type of Karma thing where my good deeds out weigh my bad deeds, it is a "gift of God", "not from yourselves", something given to me in love by the One that created me.

The Lord takes pleasure in one of us vile sinners turning from our ways and towards Him. But if you are waiting for something like what happened to Paul to happen to you before you turn to Him, you may never become a follower of Christ. If you know what is right and you still don't choose it because you need some sort of "proof", some miraculous sign to make you become a believer, it has been done before. And here is your answer:

I don't know if you know about the book of Jonah, he was called to serve as a prophet by the Lord and he ran away from God. He got on a boat and the Lord made a storm come to the boat and the only way to save the lives of the men on the boat was to throw Jonah overboard. The sea calmed right away and Jonah was saved by being swallowed by a great fish, where he spent three days and nights and he prayed for salvation. The Lord had the fish vomit Jonah up onto dry land. The Lord had Jonah tell the people of Niveveh that they were going to be overturned in fourty days.

But they knew it was because they were sinning so they turned away from their evil ways, repented and the Lord spared them. It is one of the few books of the bible that is actually humorous, at least I think so, read it-it's short!. The end is especially cute. But lets go back to Matthew:

When Jesus talks about "this generation", I don't think He means the people of that time. I think He means the race of man as a whole. My study bible also has said this in the notes and I believe it based on the things He has said. And about the people of Nineveh, they were considered to be cruel and warlike and Jonah was afraid to go there. But he saw the whole city repent, some 120,000 people. Jesus came to His own people and here they were refusing to believe in Him right to His face. I don't think any sign would have caused them to believe, after all, they had seen Him heal the sick, raise the dead, and teach with an authority never seen before. He was truely in the world made by Him, but it did not recognize Him.

This is right out of my study bible: "All who welcome Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives are reborn spiritually, receiving new life from God. Through faith in Christ, this new birth changes us from the inside out-rearranging our attitudes, desires, and motives."(referring to John 1:12-13)

It may not happen at once, but if you will just turn your thoughts and attention to God, He will begin to transform you. Soon, you are not acting out of the flesh but out of the Spirit, that Spirit will grow within you. I am in no way perfect-nor do I expect to ever be in this life. But I continue the process of growth towards Spirituality everyday. I have my good days and my bad days, as they say, "life shows up". The more I turn to God the more He is in my life. I work at it, I do it out of love.

The big question is still, "Are we sure of our salvation?" I've given you the verses that show you that you have the promise from God of salvation, that through faith and repentance you will be counted as an adopted child of God. Now, the only thing that I can think of that may still cause you to worry would be, "Is there anything I can do that would take my salvation away?" Let's see what the book says,

I think you get the message. God has brought you this far, He will not just leave you here. You, however, can leave Him. Stay in the Word, that means keep reading the bible. Talk to God, He wants to hear from you-and He can help you with anything. And know that if you love God, believe Jesus died to bring you salvation, and repent your sins, you will be saved and one day be in front of Him and He will speak on your behalf. I've heard alot about what "we" think the kingdom will be like, I just know it will be with my God. I don't want to be anywhere else.

Now let's talk about those that have been saved, they have heard the Word of God and have believed in Jesus Christ but have slipped back into their lives of evil. Are they lost to the salvation given to them by God? Let's have a look at what Paul said:

So, how then should we be when tested on this Day? Shall what we have built be strong and good and worthy of reward in heaven? Or shall we do just enough so that we barely survive the flames? As you can see, our salvation is not lost-it cannot be as it is not a result of our doing or works. But we will stand judgement and our lives as Christians will be looked at. We are saved by Grace, but we do have this to think about:

We can disown Our Lord and He will disown us, but that is different than being faithless or turning away from our faith. At least it can be. I was told once that just being able to say, "Jesus is Lord!" is a gift of God and proof of the Holy Spirit within me, I could not imagine saying otherwise to anyone. I know people of other faiths and those searching for faith, and I cannot tell them that they are wrong to believe something different than I. I can only tell them what I believe and why. We all have paths we must travel to find God...or decide not to.

What I have found is once saved by God-always saved by God. But there are those that claim to believe and do not. I hear that 90% of Americans claim to be Christians. But that does not fit in with that "narrow door", nor is it what I see everyday. But what I need to remember is that I am not the judge of others. My job is working to be a better Christian and being closer to the Lord everyday, keeping my side of the street clean. I have a hard enough time doing that.

Thank you for spending your time with me as we learn and grow.












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