What do we mean when we say this in the Lord's prayer? This is what I want to talk about here on this page.

If we are saying "your kingdom come", we are saying that it is not yet here. We talked on the earier pages about the fall of man but I did not mention how this affected the earth as well. I want to go into this a bit. Let's start with Genesis.

This disobedience affected all of creation, this includes the environment. The terrible storms that kill people, the earthquakes, famines around the world, and all of the other types of deadly hazzards that are what we call "just part of life" are a direct result of the fall. The world is in a state of decay. All around you everything is dying: trees, animals, and people. You I and can be sure that in the kingdom of heaven there is no death, no sickness, no decay. When Jesus was here on earth, He said, "The time has come, the kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" (Mark 1:15) Jesus showed us what the kingdom was going to be like with the way He worked: His compassion, His Truth, and His healings. No one who saught Him was left to go hungry, their needs taken care of. Everyone who came to Him for healing was healed. Does that sound like the world of today? Maybe for some people, or some parts of the world, but there are so many that who are not having their basic needs met on a daily basis.

There are verses that also show that this kingdom has not yet come. One that stands out for me is when Jesus was in the desert, being tempted by Satan. The last temptation was an offer of this world.

When you read the last two verses, are you left with any doubt whose posession the world is? Satan cannot offer to give the Lord something that He already has at that moment. How could this be a "temptation"? Satan owns this world, but he does not have to own you. You can give yourself to God. Being a nice person, living a good life is one thing, but who has you as his possession? As a possession of God, you know where you will spend eternity. I tell you this: If you are not with Him, you are also to be assured of where you will be when this life is done. Would you take the risk of just being this good person but not being a follower of Christ? I have read the bible and can not take such a risk. I know where I will be when this life is over, there is nothing left to chance. God has made me a promise and He does not lie.

Jesus came here, into occupied territory, to complete His mission: To save all that would believe in Him. He would suffer and die and be raised into glory. And He will return. He will lay claim to His people and will establish His kingdom. It has been foretold just as Jesus' first coming was foretold.

This is a promise that all will be set right in the world once again. Notice the animals, they no longer will be after each other for food. See the safety of mankind, children no longer have to worry about even the most deadly of snakes. This is what was intended-this is what we gave up when we turned away from the will of God and went our own way. But we know that it will be all brought back to order.

This is the closeness we had with God in the garden of Eden. We have all of this to look forward to when Jesus comes again.

The removal of sin from the world is what we wait for. The end of this decay. The new kingdom will bring this. There will be no more sickness, no more dying, and we will all know the Lord. Jesus gave us a taste of this while He was here, for while He was here, the kingdom was very near indeed. Now I want you to check this out: The kingdom is within YOU.

The kingdom of God is not something that you can measure with borders or lines, that is what you would do with an earthly kingdom like the United States or Canada. When Jesus came, the kingdom began here and when the Spirit moved the people like Paul, we can see the kingdom working in the hearts of men. It is going on today as it did then, people loving Christ and each other. His kingdom is growing. When I repented and chose to follow Jesus, I became part of that kingdom-it grew that much more. It's all about what is going on in the hearts of the people who love God. There is His kingdom. But there is so much more to come.

When Jesus said this about the children, He meant that we were to accept Him with the faith and trust that children have. If you tell a child that fire will burn, there is an acceptance in the child that this is true, even without having tried it out yet. We are told the Truth when we read the bible, we may not believe what we read-and this is what Jesus was talking about. It's all right there, yet we do not believe. The more you fight to save the life that you have, the more you will lose your life. But if you give your life to Jesus, you will lose your life and be reborn and gain a new life. It's really not that complicated, you only need call out to Him honestly.

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