We have talked about the wonderous things that Jesus did while He was with His disciples, and I hope that I was able to find enough verses showing where Jesus Himself said that He is Lord. But there were some amazing accounts of things that happened after Jesus died on the cross and I want to go through as many of them as I can. Let's start with the events of Easter morning.

These are the four gospels' accounts of what happened Easter morning. He was to appear again and again as we will come to. One of the things that I think that lends a truthful hand to these accounts is that they are not very alike. If someone was going to write these things afterwards, just making them up, they would have made it so that they were all very close to each other. But these were the accounts of different people, who saw and remembered things differently. At the scene of a car crash, different people may have seen it differently, and the stories may be a little different when they are put together. To me, the accounts of this wonderous event, left the way they were told, are easier to believe than four accounts of exactly the same thing. After all, this event was undescribable to say the least.

I never got to this point where I was looking for any proof that God is God, nor did I doubt that Jesus is Lord. Though at one point in my childhood I thought that He never said He was actually God. Later in life this fell away. So going through these accounts is not new but in this way, listing them as some sort of "See! I told you so!" is new for me and I'm not sure if that is healthy. But as a study, just going over these events as part of the history of the way early Christianity began is teaching me. And it is also a way to keep the book open and go through His Word. Does this make any sense? Let's just say that I know why I'm doing this. Your reasons for wanting to know the Word will always be yours. I also have been feeling the need to share what I have found and this may be some sort of practice.

Let's get back to it, shall we?

Jesus appeared to two travelers on the road

Have you heard of Doubting Thomas?

This came to pass at the day of the Pentecost.

One thing I've come to know: You can trust in the Lord. If He says He will do something, He will. My life has become so much better than it was when I had only my will to live by. I ran my life into ruin. Now the problems that I face are so small, and even those I turn over to God, always asking for His strength and love. My 12 step program brought me to understand that I could not manage my own life. And I will always be catching myself trying to run it, but it is easier to spot these times now. I am tempted, as most of us are, but He leads me to make the right choices by the Spirit that lives within me. I pray for help and it comes-even if I don't recognize it at first. He works in the people around me, and in the Word that I read. I pray that He will use me to work for Him to help others. If this is what He has in mind for me, it will be in His time and for His purpose. And that is what I want.

The next study will be on our choice in our salvation and being chosen by God for savation.

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