What do think of someone that is willing to die for you? Would you think this is a true friend? Is this someone you want on your side? Is this someone worthy of your love?

Now, here is a question that is harder: Would you die for this friend? We all know that there have been many wars over religious beliefs, and I have suggested earier that there is a war going on right now for your soul. But I'm not talking about the death of your body. I'm talking about the death of your sinful nature.

Sin is death. We lost our fellowship with God because of the choice to sin, to turn away from God and go our own way. All around me are the walking dead. Not like in some B movie, zombies shuffling around in search of humans to eat, I mean people that have lost contact with God and they do not know the joy that comes in being in Him. People that do not have Jesus in their heart are lost. "I once was lost, but now am found"-to quote a song. I know that my sins are not held against me.

We have a freedom when we accept Jesus as our living God, we are saved by the law which condemned us to death because of our sin. God comdemned sin in sinful man, He judged and sentanced sin and it was put away, banished. This made us clean before God. This fulfilled the Law's requirements but saved us from eternal damnation. This is how it reads:

We are also told that there are some that are to watched out for: Those that would cause others to sin. Jesus may have been talking about people that we know, or He could have been talking about Satan. My study bible suggests that He was talking about religious leaders who teach their flock their own hypocritical ways. It comes down to us being watchful and reading the Word for our answers. When we turn to God, we will not be led in the wrong direction.

We know that we have eternal life by the price paid by Jesus for the sins we have committed when we choose to follow Him. As He was able to defeat death, so shall we, as long as we are in Him. He cleared the slate of those that would accept Him as Savior, those that chose to follow Him and His Commands. But what are His commands? Let's have a look.

Jesus used the very Word He knew so well to tell the people what was the most important of the commandments. And about Jesus knowing the Word? Why wouldn't He? He is the Word of God. Jesus gave a "new command" but was it new? Compare it to what He said in Mark and Matthew.

Knowing that God is Love, you can see why it is so important to love each other. But to love the way that Christ loved, that is an impressive command. But that is the kind of love that not only saves lives but unites peoples around the world. We can show this kind of love. We were made in the image of God. I know that I fall short but I work towards this goal. I pray for those that cause me trouble instead of cursing them. That is a step towards this goal. I hope to see in time that I will reflect more and more of the love that God shows towards me and all who would accept Him.

One thing that stands out is the warning that Jesus gave His disiples about how they would be persecuted because of Him.

I don't see too much of this in my life right now, other than the snide comments about being some kind of "religious nut". Usually I am respected because of my beliefs and convictions. This may in time change for me, I don't know. And also remember what it meant to be a follower of Christ Jesus back in those days, it easily could have meant torture and death. But there are ways that I just don't seem to fit in with those around me, because of the way that I conduct myself. At times I really do want to fit in and be a part of the world around me. That is why it is so important to be involved with the church. Here are people who are like-minded and it is good to talk about the Word and learn from each other. It's the same principal of attending meetings with others in the programs, to be with others who are walking the same path. Fellowship. This is what Jesus said about persecution because of faith in Him:

We can trust the Holy Spirit to help us when we come under atack, we will be taught what we are to say.

I know that I continue to sin, even though I am a new creature and follow Jesus. I turn over the things that I do to God and ask Him to forgive me for what I have done and also ask Him to give me the strength to turn away from the thing that I am doing. There are many temptations here is the world and I find myself wanting things that are not good for me nor do I think they would please God. The bible tells me that I am not actually fighting against flesh and blood, but something much darker.

We are fighting an enemy, when we talk about "the world" or "the flesh" we are talking about what we are up against. But what is behind these simple things that make them hazardous to us? With flesh, is it just the pleasures of the world that lead us into sinning? Why would Adam and Eve have wanted to eat of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil? And why not the other tree, the one that they were allowed to eat from? The Tree of Life.

After eating of the Tree of Knowledge, they now had a familiarity, an intamate knowledge of good and evil. But they had committed a sin going against God's command. They were then prevented from eating from the Tree of Life.

After they ate from the tree, they were now in a state of sin-having chosen to go their own way against God. To then eat from the Tree of Life would have meant eternal life in sin. They would have always have been lost to God, hiding from Him, ashamed because they now knew the difference between right and wrong. It is in Jesus that we are free of sin. It is in Jesus that we are able to reconnect with God. It is in Jesus that we have eternal life.

One thing to make note of is that though the fruit was tempting in itself, it was the serpent that talked them into eating the fruit. I know that it is wrong to take something that belongs to another man, but there is sometimes a little "voice" that says things like, "no one will see you do it" or "he has too much already, take this". These "voices" don't seem to come like they did before, when I was...unprotected. The Spirit that lives within me speaks to me.

The Spirit also helps us in our connection with God.

I know that I have found that as I live in the Spirit, I am less and less interested in things that would before tempt me into sinning. I am focussing more on studying the Word and involvement with my church that the other things that I was fighting so hard, the way that Paul was fighting in Romans 7, seem to lose their importance and fall away from my life. As I said before, I cannot fight these things, I am weak, but by turning them over to God and allowing Him to take over and fill these places within me with His Spirit, these things that I could not win against are falling away from my life. Sin loses it's ground, and the Spirit of God gains space inside me. I die and am reborn because of the Spirit within me.

But we do have to accept Jesus and be willing for the Spirit to enter us for this guidance. It something that I prayed for and I feel has happened based on the way that I am led. I know that there were some amazing experiences when the Holy Spirit came into the disciples but that did not happen with me. I do feel that my change has been powerful and I know that the Spirit is with me today, I can see the way that I am focussed on the Word and learning about the way Christ wants me to live. The Spirit is a deposit:

The guarantee is that we will receive everlasting heavenly bodies at the time of the resurection. The Spirit that is in us is our part of eternity, something we have now that we have taken Christ as our Savior. We don't have to fear death. We know that when death comes it only brings us to Him. It is the Spirit within me that makes me a new creation.

Below is the Third Step Prayer. I found it in the program of Alcoholics Anonymous. It was my first prayer for God to enter into my life and help me to overcome the problems I was facing. It opened the door to a contact with a Higher Power of my understanding. It is an honest prayer for those wanting to become free of the flesh and it's entanglements.

"God, I offer myself to Thee-to build with me as Thou wilt. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Thy will. Take away my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life. May I do Thy will always!"

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